What is Fat Dissolving Injections

Fat dissolving injections are a non-surgical procedure that uses small amounts of local anaesthetic to dissolve fat. It is also known by other names such as lipostabilization, LipoVAS, or simply lipolysis. Fat dissolving injections can be used to help reduce the appearance of localized fat deposits on the body. The procedure involves injecting special solutions under the skin that cause fat cells to deflate and eventually disappear. There are several different types of fat dissolving injections, each with their own pros and cons. This article covers everything you need to know about this procedure including how it works, what it feels like, its costs, risks, and possible side effects.

How Fat Dissolving Injections Work

Lipolysis is the process of breaking down fat cells. During lipolysis, small amounts of fat are released into the bloodstream where they are then broken down by the liver. Whether you are using lipolysis injections or other methods to break down fat, you want to make sure that fat is broken down and removed from the body. Lipolysis injections work by injecting a fluid solution into targeted fat deposits. The fluid solution breaks down fat cells and causes them to release their stored fat. The released fat is then absorbed by the body before it can be stored again.

The fluid injection itself is made up of two main ingredients. The first is saline, a solution that is mostly water. The second ingredient is a lipid-soluble substance. The lipid-soluble substance is what actually breaks down fat cells and releases the stored fat. The lipid-soluble substance is usually made from soybean oil or a combination of other oils. When the lipid-soluble substance comes in contact with fatty tissue, it causes the fat cells to break down. The fats in the solution also act as a natural barrier against the skin, protecting it from the solution. Once the fat cells break down, they are absorbed by the body, causing the fat deposits to slowly shrink over a period of weeks and months.

What to Expect

Depending on the area being treated, a lipolysis injection can take anywhere from 30 seconds to a couple of minutes. During the procedure, a small amount of local anaesthetic will be applied to the targeted area. The anaesthetic will help to minimize any discomfort during the procedure. The amount of discomfort during the procedure will vary depending on each individual.

Some people may feel a bit of tingling or stinging while others may experience very little discomfort at all. After the procedure, you may experience some redness, swelling, and pain. These side effects will usually subside after a couple of hours. There are several different types of lipolysis injections. Each type has its own benefits and side effects. The following outlines the most common types of lipolysis injections. – Autologous Fat Transfer (Autologous Fat Injection): Autologous fat injections involve harvesting fat from a different part of the body, like the stomach or thighs, and re-injecting it into the targeted area.

Autologous fat injections can take several months to take effect. The advantage of this procedure is that the body does not see the re-injected fat as a threat and therefore does not try to break it down. As a result, the fat is slowly reabsorbed by the body, causing the treated area to gradually shrink over time. – Intra-Muscular Lipolysis Injection: Intra-muscular lipolysis injections involve inserting a small needle into the targeted fat deposit and injecting a solution directly into the fat cells. This type of injection is best used on small areas like the thighs, arms, and stomach.

An intra-muscular lipolysis injection is the fastest type of lipolysis injection. The entire procedure can take several seconds, depending on the size of the targeted fat deposits. – Subcutaneous Lipolysis Injection: Subcutaneous lipolysis injections are the most common type of lipolysis injection. A small needle or cannula is used to insert a solution into the targeted fat deposit. Depending on the size of the targeted fat deposits, the entire procedure can take anywhere from a few seconds to a couple of minutes.

Types of Fat Dissolving Injections

Autologous Fat Transfer (Autologous Fat Injection): Autologous fat injections involve harvesting fat from a different part of the body, like the stomach or thighs, and re-injecting it into the targeted area. Autologous fat injections can take several months to take effect.

The advantage of this procedure is that the body does not see the re-injected fat as a threat and therefore does not try to break it down. As a result, the fat is slowly reabsorbed by the body, causing the treated area to gradually shrink over time. Intra-Muscular Lipolysis Injection: Intra-muscular lipolysis injections involve inserting a small needle into the targeted fat deposit and injecting a solution directly into the fat cells. This type of injection is best used on small areas like the thighs, arms, and stomach.

An intra-muscular lipolysis injection is the fastest type of lipolysis injection. The entire procedure can take several seconds, depending on the size of the targeted fat deposits. Subcutaneous Lipolysis Injection: Subcutaneous lipolysis injections are the most common type of lipolysis injection. A small needle or cannula is used to insert a solution into the targeted fat deposit. Depending on the size of the targeted fat deposits, the entire procedure can take anywhere from a few seconds to a couple of minutes.

How Much Does a Fat Dissolving Injection Procedure Cost?

The cost of a lipolysis injection procedure varies from person to person and from place to place. You can expect to pay anywhere from $600 to $3,000 per procedure, depending on the type of injection you are receiving. If you are opting for an autologous fat injection, you can expect the procedure to be a bit more expensive, but you will also see results after a shorter period of time. If you have a large area that needs treating, multiple injections may be recommended to achieve optimal results.

Risks and Side Effects

No matter what type of procedure you are having done, there are always going to be risks involved. The risks and side effects of lipolysis injections are relatively low and are similar to those of other fat reduction procedures.

The following are some of the most common side effects that you may experience after receiving a lipolysis injection. – Mild Swelling and Redness: Swelling is a normal side effect of any type of fat reduction procedure. Swelling can range from mild to severe and will depend on the person and the area being treated. It is important to keep the treated area elevated as much as possible so that the fluid in the area has a lower chance of collecting.

\Redness is another common side effect of lipolysis injections. Redness is a sign that the body is healing and is usually mild and short-lasting. – Infection: Infection is one of the more serious side effects of lipolysis injections. Infection can occur if the proper sterilization procedures are not followed. During your consultation, make sure to ask about the sterilization and preparation procedures that will be used on you.


Fat dissolving injections are a non-surgical procedure that uses small amounts of local anaesthetic to dissolve fat. It is also known by other names such as lipostabilization, LipoVAS, or simply lipolysis. Fat dissolving injections can be used to help reduce the appearance of localized fat deposits on the body. The procedure involves injecting special solutions under the skin that cause fat cells to deflate and eventually disappear. There are several different types of fat dissolving injections, each with their own pros and cons. This article covers everything you need to know about this procedure including how it works, what it feels like, its costs, risks, and possible side effects.

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